Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Jersey Knit Fad

Yes, I too have fallen in love with the oh-so versatile Jersey Knit fabric. The silky feel of it, the way it lays on you and the stretch is all part of what makes this fabric so irresistable.

My daughter has fallen in love too.

I bought this beautiful eggplant purple piece of fabric when JoAnn's was having a sale. I wanted to make a skirt or possibly a simple dress. Adalynn has claimed it. She loves it. Honestly - she gets so excited when I pull it out. She loves crawling on it, laying her head on it, wrapping up in it. 

I swear she could play with this for 30+ minutes, which is quite a lot for a 9 month old! Whew! My daughter loves fabric just like me and her Grandma :).

I am glad that I'm passing down very valuable lessons to my child :D.

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