So, my baby girl turned
ONE! I cannot believe she is one! After 365 days of adventure, we have passed through the baby days and are onto the toddler years. I don't think I am quite ready for this. I didn't realize that the baby days were so fast. People say they go fast, but sheesh!
This little girl is a trouper too, living in 3 different cities, 2 states, 4 different homes and 1 cat within the past year. Whew!
Onto the party. It took place at her Nonna's house, which was perfect! We even spent the night there the night before.
It was such a fun party! So many people came - and to all you who came, thank you so much for blessing us and my daughter so richly! For those who couldn't make it - thank you so much for blessing us so richly as well!
Presents! Adalynn wasn't quite sure what to do with them at first, but after the first couple and discovering that there is fun toys under that wrapping paper; she got into it. :D
Cake! It was delicious too, I don't know why she didn't like it. I see all these pictures of kids on their first birthday with cake all over and such. Not my girl! She didn't want to eat it after tasting it. She wanted a banana! Hah!
Um, is this processed sugar? |
For the record though - she does like sugar. We shared an Apply Cider Donut the other day and she loved it. Just not cake. Oh well - she doesn't have a sweet tooth, that's ok! Maybe that tooth hasn't come in yet. hehe
All in all, it was such a great party!