Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pendleton King Park

We went out on Saturday morning to walk another park.
This one is suppose to be haunted too, which only adds to the fun for the Linderman family! :D
Plus it had a fairly decent disc golf course. 

Our lovely CitiMini GT Jogging Stroller!
It was a huge park, but disappointingly not well taken care of. It felt like it was slowly falling apart. Which is sad. The tennis courts were in need of weeding and the little pond was all mucked up with stagnant water.

There was a circle of 'totems' designed by an elementary school class. Kinda cool! There were different ones all in a circle.

Hey, we're an army family - we love tanks! hehe...little random that there was a tank in the middle of the park, but that's ok. It was fun to climb on!
A stage!
Actually there was great acoustics here too. No need for a microphone on this stage. As you can see though, it was extremely dusty and dirty. I wonder if it even gets used anymore. Poor neglected stage... I will come and hang my silk on you! :) 

Pretty flowers growing in the cracks

The haunted cemetery
So, we wanted to find the cemetery cause, well, you know. :D
We looked around and found a park map. Then saw on the map where this cemetery was, but still couldn't find it. It was hidden with the brick wall, and the entrance was facing away from the walking paths. We off roaded to get to it. Very anti-climatic too... not much of a cemetery. Though there was a gravestone from the 17--'s! OLD!

So that was our walk on Saturday.

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