Saturday, August 25, 2012

Friday Night Project

Stuffed Tag Balls
I saw a semi-tutorial on Pinterest for this. It didn't really say much, you can check it out HERE. I figured out the rest as I went along. These were fairly simple to make as well. Which is fun! I cut them out while watching "House Hunters International" and then sewed them up while catching up on an episode of "Bones"! :D

They were fun to make. I may still add some 'crinkle' sounds to the stuffing to make it even MORE appealing. Poor Stephen wanted to watch a movie together and here I am just hunched over my fabric and ribbons saying, "Just want to cut them out. Just want to sew them up."  hehe

He was very understanding and when he saw the end product knew why I was so excited to finish them. Plus, I have a habit of starting something or cutting out a pattern and then never finishing. My mom can attest to that. I think she still has a few items in her sewing room that I cut out and never finished. HAH
She JUST woke up.
So, Addie literally just woke up and I was to excited. As you can tell, she isn't quite sure what to do. hehe.  Plus she is major teething, so nothing seems to make her happy except Tylenol and Blueberries.
It's fun to turn just scrap pieces of fabric and ribbon into something fun for my daughter! 
Her little fingers on the ribbon. LOVE

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ezekiel House

Built in 1797
Augusta was quite the town back in the 1800's. Located on the Savannah River was a huge part of that. It's sad that the town is falling apart now. So much history here. During the Civil War there was a gun powder manufacturer here in town.  The chimney from that place is still here!
We thought it was haunted (rumors of it being haunted), but when we asked the tour guide she explained how they had mistaken this house for another house and that it isn't. It was still cool and we learned a lot about the time period and tobacco farming - VERY labor intensive. WOW!
The house built over 100 years ago!

Sitting on the back porch
What was neat was that the stairs to the upstairs bedrooms were outside because Mr. Harris brought merchants down and had them stay at his house for free. There was two rooms set aside for them!

So, who knew that they babies stayed in their crib until they were 3 or 4. Woa! Sad at the same time because the life expectancy was so short and they lost so many kids. :(  So they kept the babies close until they were older.

Love this mirror!
Loved this mirror. Has 13 knobs on it for the 13 colonies and has an Eagle on top to represent the united states. What's crazy, is I visited a furniture consignment later that day and found a mirror JUST like this painted blue. HAH! I kinda wanted to get it too :D
Addie enjoyed the tour as well.
It was cute cause she was jibber jabbering away while the tour guide was talking. The house is supported by the history museum here in town and the lady who gave the tour was so knowledgeable!

The Pallor

The Kitchen
It was fun! So interesting how old houses always have such an 'old' smell to them :P
Note the picture above the fireplace - a little child - a BOY. Dressed in a little white dress with a blue sash. Evidently this was very British and so some American's did this as well. They know it's a boy because the child's hair was cut short, there is a drum in the picture and he is wearing a blue sash.  :D Another interesting tidbit!

Loved the house though and loved the tour! AND when I had to use the restroom, I had to go out to the building that use to be the old kitchen. HAH! :) 

Southern History.... 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Craft Time!

Cozy Pillow :)
 Initially I wanted to make a bean bag pillow for Adalynn, but I wasn't able to find bean bag stuffing, and so it turned into a super cozy pillow. Which she loves! She loves to lay her head on it. It's soft and even machine washable (added perk). 

Teething Necklace
 I love this necklace idea! Got this and the rings idea from pinterest! 
Made it with a silky material - actually left over material from my bridesmaids dresses in my wedding! HAH!
It's filled with little bobbles, which are sewn in (no choking hazard, promise!).

Filled with Rice

These are simple rings, but they are cute! I filled them with different things, for added fun - stuffing, rice and crinkly plastic.

Just a few things I've been working on and off with :D 

Oh - and feel free to leave comments below too :D

Friday, August 10, 2012

Soup, Salad, and a Six Month Old

Stephen was craving Minestrone Soup and I LOVE salads... this is what took us to Olive Garden for their 'Soup and Salad' combo on Sunday. It also was our first trip to a restaurant with Addie. Successful too!

It was so much fun taking her out. The wait staff loved her and there was this cute older couple sitting by us that just adored her! The Grandpa was talking to her and talking about her to his wife 'loudly' so that I could hear. It's always fun to hear people talking about how cute your kid is and how personable they are.
Adalynn ate lunch too!
I brought her food with us! She didn't eat as much because she was so distracted by everyone and everything, but it was fun. She loved sitting up by us and looking around and chit chatting with everyone.

This is how she was the whole time!

She was so tired by the time we left :).
We left with full bellies and happy hearts! Thank you Olive Garden!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Decorative Augustian Manhole
This may be a strange story, but it's a good memory of my childhood.
See, when my family lived in PA we (my cousins and I) would take walks with our Grandma when she lived in Camelot (Oh yes, that is what I called it... though I think it was the house ON Camelot) :D I choose to say, "when she lived IN Camelot" - makes the memory more fun.

Anyhoo - my cousins and myself and my brothers sometimes would take walks with our Grandma. (Now feel free to correct me if my memory is not right).  We were also obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 

On one of these walks I remember my cousin, Kara I think, and I shouting down every sewer hole we found, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles come out!" 

We walked,
saw a sewer,
shouted "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles come out",
listened and waited for a second,
kept walking.

Gramma just kept walking with us too and letting us amuse ourselves. Love my Gramma!

Near the end of our walk we came upon a sewer and shouted "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles come out!" and we heard walking.

WHOA, were we excited. We finally found them! There was the distinct slapping of water from footsteps echoing up out of the hole. To this day I am convinced that those four hero's live down there.

Later, I am not sure if it was my Gramma, I was told it was a sewer worker. Do they have sewer workers? If so, who does it and what do they do? And what a disappointment... :P

Anyhoo - that is my random story of the day. Good memories. :) 

"Hero's in a Half Shell. Turtle Power!"