Thursday, September 27, 2012

Roadblocks Suck

Everyday we try to take a walk. The fresh air is good and the walking is beneficial! Plus we have met lots of interesting people on our walks, but that's not what our story is about.

Life has presented some roadblocks in the Linderman home. Roadblocks that don't exactly have a name, but are hindering us from moving forward the way we want to. I repeat - the way we WANT to. On my walk this morning with Addie we encountered literal roadblocks, not just in one area, but all the way down our walk.

We step outside and it's foggy, massive fog. Which, I'll admit is rather fun because we are literally walking through a cloud. It just means that I need to take extra precautions when walking down the road because the visibility isn't as good and I don't want to be hit nor do I want my baby girl to be hit.

As we leave our apartments there's trucks and workers and the oh-so-glorious, bright orange cones! We wave hello to the workers and keep walking (on the sidewalk of course). We encounter a white truck parked right on the sidewalk forcing us to walk the road a bit to get around, then we notice that signs are set up ON the sidewalk ahead of us informing other drivers of the construction ahead. So, I decided to cross the street entirely right there.

We walk, breathing in that wonderful fog and exhaust air (wondering if the benefits of the walk are really worth it). Mounds of dirt enter our site line, more trucks and workers. Massive work is being done, but we cannot cross the road again because we need to be on this side. So, we go back INTO the road and walk. One the the workers smiles and says 'hi" and asks us to be careful. Trucks are moving back and forth.

We do finally make it and, quite frankly I felt like I deserved a nice cup of coffee this morning so we stopped to get that before heading back.

All in all we did make it and we did get home safe and I did get my coffee. The way back is when it hit me. Life has these roadblocks. It sounds cheesy, like from a sermon or something, but bare with me. Life does. It presents obstacles because we live in a fallen world. Sometimes the smell, sometimes they make it hard to see, sometimes we need to completely change direction or the course we are on.

God doesn't try to make life difficult. Honestly, it's me who can make life more difficult. :P
One day we will be in the New Heaven and New Earth and it will be glorious! Until that day though, we need to face those roadblocks armed and ready.

So, that was my epiphany this morning... 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Saturday in Aiken

We had to check out Aiken, SC while living here in Augusta (since it's like 30 minutes away). Very cute town. Extremely similar to downtown Holland, MI - but smaller. It had cute shops and food places and the closest brewery around.
Amanda - doing her part!
There was a blood drive that Saturday too :). So, being the incredible woman that she is, Amanda decided to save some lives on her vacation. Plus she got a free hotdog! They tried to get us to buy the hotdogs too. They tried to get us the buy the hotdogs numerous times... I started to get annoyed actually. They were a wee bit to chipper about selling those hotdogs. :P

We went out to Betsy's Diner instead
Adalynn was hamming it up too. She did not want to sit the normal way, she wanted to straddle that highchair and eat that highchair. hehe

So, we didn't take a ton of pictures, but we got a lot in the restaurant. It was good too. We then proceeded to take Amanda to the army base and drive around and show her a few of the places. Nothing incredible, but she found some great things to buy for her three sons.

It was fun to just explore new places and show Amanda around our new town! Cannot express how much fun it was to have her there with us!

Columbia Country

We were so blessed to have my sister-in-law come and visit us! It was so uplifting to have family come and stay and be able to just chat and visit places around Augusta. It was also incredible to just get renewed energy with Adalynn and watch as Amanda (Sis-in-law) played new games with Addie. (Ones we still play today!)

Anyhoo, we tried to visit lots of places. One of which is the Columbia Country library and park behind. Amazing place!  
Oh, it is this beautiful!

In the library!
So, Addie is quite active. Never likes to sit still. She proved this when we entered the library and I took her out of the stroller. HAH, she was crawling everywhere! She was having so much fun! There were big windows she could pull herself up on, and toys and books and even little cubbie holes she could crawl in! It was so cute to watch.
Reading with her Auntie!

Yes, she is crawling up on things now
We even found out about a storytime they offer! YAY! Amanda was great with reading books to her as well! This library also has an incredible cafe area. It's like the perfect place for Adalynn and me! Coffee, books, activities... ahhh... :)

We lost her hat :P 

It was an incredible day! So much fun and Adalynn was so pooped out she zonked out! (Which is always nice. :D)
Literally... gorgeous! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Labor Day Vacation

Um, 3 days or 3 months? 

At Wayah Bald
Our first family vacation and it's taken me a week to post about it. :) It was such a treat to go and visit our dear friends, Tom and Wendy! They live in North Carolina at the foothills of the Smokey mountains. The trip took us through rural GA into N.C. and it was so beautiful!Who knew that working at Susie's Cafe and meeting these incredible people would lead to this! :D Stephen and I enjoyed just sitting and visiting with them so much!

On Saturday Tom and Wendy took us up one of the local mountains, Wayah Bald, to look at the view!

There is an observation tower built and it was incredible! You walk through a little path to get here and as the path clears there's this stone structure that emerges and then the VIEW.

So incredible! Of course, Stephen saw the stones and immediately thought he could climb them! hehe ... he needs a son :)

The amazing, breathtaking view!
Of course, we wanted to feed Addie before heading down.
It was about an hour drive up the mountain. We passed the Appalachian trail on the way too! (well, part of it :D) The trip up the mountain was great! Addie slept most of it and with the help of Dramamine the winding and curving road was fun and not nauseating! hehe  We also were taken to the local shooting range. It was nice! in the side of a mountain with a cute little outhouse. (Am I the only one that would label an outhouse as 'cute'?)
Men and Guns... Sheesh :P

We had fun taking Adalynn around the top of the mountain and explore all the sites and textures and smells (the outhouses up top were a wee bit smelly... WHEW). 

New textures!

Addie was so curious about touching everything. It was cute :D

The trip down the mountain was challenging, Addie was up and let us knew that she felt her ears popping! yikes! :)
Then we fed ourselves! Mmmm

After we were taking to a great restaurant! We ate outside and Addie was beyond cute the whole time. Laughing and playing, and bascially drawing Wendy's attention most of the time, as well as most other customers. :)

It did start to downpour while there! The restaurant had to put down some of the sides so we wouldn't get soaked. The rain felt good though! Cool us off! :D 

We had such a marvelous time.Thank you Tom and Wendy for letting us bombard your home with ourselves and our ever moving 7 month old!