Thursday, September 27, 2012

Roadblocks Suck

Everyday we try to take a walk. The fresh air is good and the walking is beneficial! Plus we have met lots of interesting people on our walks, but that's not what our story is about.

Life has presented some roadblocks in the Linderman home. Roadblocks that don't exactly have a name, but are hindering us from moving forward the way we want to. I repeat - the way we WANT to. On my walk this morning with Addie we encountered literal roadblocks, not just in one area, but all the way down our walk.

We step outside and it's foggy, massive fog. Which, I'll admit is rather fun because we are literally walking through a cloud. It just means that I need to take extra precautions when walking down the road because the visibility isn't as good and I don't want to be hit nor do I want my baby girl to be hit.

As we leave our apartments there's trucks and workers and the oh-so-glorious, bright orange cones! We wave hello to the workers and keep walking (on the sidewalk of course). We encounter a white truck parked right on the sidewalk forcing us to walk the road a bit to get around, then we notice that signs are set up ON the sidewalk ahead of us informing other drivers of the construction ahead. So, I decided to cross the street entirely right there.

We walk, breathing in that wonderful fog and exhaust air (wondering if the benefits of the walk are really worth it). Mounds of dirt enter our site line, more trucks and workers. Massive work is being done, but we cannot cross the road again because we need to be on this side. So, we go back INTO the road and walk. One the the workers smiles and says 'hi" and asks us to be careful. Trucks are moving back and forth.

We do finally make it and, quite frankly I felt like I deserved a nice cup of coffee this morning so we stopped to get that before heading back.

All in all we did make it and we did get home safe and I did get my coffee. The way back is when it hit me. Life has these roadblocks. It sounds cheesy, like from a sermon or something, but bare with me. Life does. It presents obstacles because we live in a fallen world. Sometimes the smell, sometimes they make it hard to see, sometimes we need to completely change direction or the course we are on.

God doesn't try to make life difficult. Honestly, it's me who can make life more difficult. :P
One day we will be in the New Heaven and New Earth and it will be glorious! Until that day though, we need to face those roadblocks armed and ready.

So, that was my epiphany this morning... 

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