Sunday, September 9, 2012

Labor Day Vacation

Um, 3 days or 3 months? 

At Wayah Bald
Our first family vacation and it's taken me a week to post about it. :) It was such a treat to go and visit our dear friends, Tom and Wendy! They live in North Carolina at the foothills of the Smokey mountains. The trip took us through rural GA into N.C. and it was so beautiful!Who knew that working at Susie's Cafe and meeting these incredible people would lead to this! :D Stephen and I enjoyed just sitting and visiting with them so much!

On Saturday Tom and Wendy took us up one of the local mountains, Wayah Bald, to look at the view!

There is an observation tower built and it was incredible! You walk through a little path to get here and as the path clears there's this stone structure that emerges and then the VIEW.

So incredible! Of course, Stephen saw the stones and immediately thought he could climb them! hehe ... he needs a son :)

The amazing, breathtaking view!
Of course, we wanted to feed Addie before heading down.
It was about an hour drive up the mountain. We passed the Appalachian trail on the way too! (well, part of it :D) The trip up the mountain was great! Addie slept most of it and with the help of Dramamine the winding and curving road was fun and not nauseating! hehe  We also were taken to the local shooting range. It was nice! in the side of a mountain with a cute little outhouse. (Am I the only one that would label an outhouse as 'cute'?)
Men and Guns... Sheesh :P

We had fun taking Adalynn around the top of the mountain and explore all the sites and textures and smells (the outhouses up top were a wee bit smelly... WHEW). 

New textures!

Addie was so curious about touching everything. It was cute :D

The trip down the mountain was challenging, Addie was up and let us knew that she felt her ears popping! yikes! :)
Then we fed ourselves! Mmmm

After we were taking to a great restaurant! We ate outside and Addie was beyond cute the whole time. Laughing and playing, and bascially drawing Wendy's attention most of the time, as well as most other customers. :)

It did start to downpour while there! The restaurant had to put down some of the sides so we wouldn't get soaked. The rain felt good though! Cool us off! :D 

We had such a marvelous time.Thank you Tom and Wendy for letting us bombard your home with ourselves and our ever moving 7 month old!

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