Friday, June 15, 2012

Brookfield Park

Today we took off at 8:15am; one, we were up, dressed and fed and two, it is going to get into the 90's and humid today, so we wanted to walk when it was cooler! It was perfect outside! I found this little park while driving home from the store the other day. It's super cute, small... and has a paved path that goes around it, I'd say about 1/4 a mile around. (of course we walked it a few times :P).

Tall trees - They were really cool!
It was such a beautiful park! Had two different play areas, one for big kids and one for toddlers! Plus picnic areas and grills! In BHBC's Spice email they talked about taking "prayer walks" - as we were walking we did this! Praying for friends and family and just Praising God for all He's given us and provided for!
Putt Putt Green?
So, I have noticed that putt putt green's are very common in Augusta, maybe because of the Augusta National golf course. We even have one at our apartment complex, just so odd to see them in random places. :P
And a fountain coming up from the earth!
If I was 8 I would be all over this! :P (or when Adalynn gets older, we will both be all over those fountains!) I love how Augusta has fountains around town too, there was one at the farmer's market we went to on Saturday!
Pretty flowers in the fence.
There was also a little crick that we saw too. Plus we met the cutest older couple. They walked the circle only once, stopping three times for breathers, which added to the cuteness. I imagine Stephen and I will do that when we are old and wrinkly; take walks and when one of us tuckers out after a few feet, we sit.
There's something about and elderly, southern woman with that accent - to sweet!
She tried out the swing.
Had to try this out! She was not to sure about it, but we did swing a little bit. Look how small she looks in it! I love this picture!
Eat your heart out Grand Rapids
Remember these Kent County?! Trash cans?! Oh yes.. remember the good old days when there was enough money to have trash cans at city parks? Well, Augusta has them! There was like 5 trash cans here! Seems odd to notice, but when they are taken away from you, you forget how useful it is to have trash cans around! :D

That's our walk this week! It's nice to have a car somedays now, Stephen found someone who lives a mile away so he carpools now! YAY to transportation! :D  Now Addie is exhausted and napping in her swing - guess all that excitement tired her out. (SCORE!) hehe

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