Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I'm not a nurse...

... I say this because I just don't know what to do when someone is sick. I try to stay away in all honesty. it's not that I don't care, it's that I don't know what to do and don't want to get sick. Ask anyone in my family. My sister will be coughing and I dash to the other side of the room; my brother will be sick in the restroom and I leave the house! I'll start Lysoling every surface and washing all the clothes and bed sheets.

Well, Stephen is typically a very healthy man. He got sick once while we were dating, and I tried to be the supportive girlfriend... getting him ice chips and sitting on the other side of the room (hey, at least I stayed in the house with him). Now he got sick from Adalynn; very bad cold, coughing and sniffling, etc...

I wish I could say that I made him soup and bundled him up in a blanket and sent him to bed. Sadly, my 'nursing' ability did not involve that. I set out all the medicine we had for colds on the counter for him. I did pick up soup from the store for him, which he heated up. I would gently touch his head or pat his back, trying to let him know I love him dearly, but still not wanting to get to close for fear of those germs. By day three of his illness, I was trying to get him to take his medicine, bring him water and yes, clean those sheets :P (but by his suggestion).

I was also taking vitamins and drinking water myself, trying to stay healthy :).

When Adalynn was sick, I did much better though! Maybe it's a mom thing to let your kid puke on you and cuddle them when they have that fever. I wish I could do the same for my husband... well, I am working on it!

So, there it is. I am not a nurse. Frankly, I would rather put those who get sick in a plastic bubble until they are healthy, but I think that is frowned upon.

Anyone else have trouble when those around them start ailing? I do care! Just at a loss as to what to do :P.  At least we are all healthy again! YAY! 

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