We started our walk at about 8:30am. It was perfect weather, slight breeze and mild temperatures. By the time we ended our walk it was hot and humid. We still had fun though! It wasn't until Stephen came home and we told him about our walk that he mentioned we had to watch out for alligators. Kinda forgot those were around down south.
Always nice to have a casino at the park. |
What a lovely day for a walk! |
The view at the start of the path. It was wonderful and even had a disc golf course! I couldn't help but think of my little brother, Joel, who taught Stephen and I disc golf a couple summers ago. I don't think that I'd want to play during the summer months though; it is hot!
What a truly beautiful view! |
I kept looking for a beach or something, but there was none. It was still pretty! Well, if it did have alligators, I guess a beach wouldn't be a good idea. There was a BBQ Pit building located right in the middle of the park. That's always fun! I love the south and their love for Barbeque!
Alright, this just looked so "south" to me :D |
For some reason I keep thinking of "Gone With the Wind" in this picture. I think I will need to watch that movie while I am down here. I suddenly had a huge desire to dress is 10 layers and ride side saddle. "I do declare!"
Pretty flowers! They were huge! |
Lily Pads! Love it! |
Ned was not to happy we met him. |
As we were walking back to our car I spotted a moving rock in the path. Realizing it was a turtle we sped up until we came upon him. NED! He was just running across the path, minding his own business. Hey, I put him back the same way we found him. No harm done. Maybe an accelerated heart rate for Ned, but nothing else :D.
Ned meet Adalynn, Adalynn meet Ned. |
I didn't want Ned to close to baby girl because he was a snapper and well, he could probably snap off one of her fingers. I did not like that idea. (Note: Adalynn's colorful outfit. Thought it was fun!)
The ugliest birds ever - I think it's a mix of a vulture/swan |
This creature proves that God has a funny bone. I looked out onto the lake on our walk back, and these red dots, connnected to a duck like bodies were swimming towards shore. Having never seen anything like this I chose to go investigate. Yes, that meant off-roading it a bit with Adalynn. As you can tell, (picture below) she didn't seem to mind.
I thought they would swim away as I walked closer, they didn't. They kept coming and came up shore too! Even the ducks on shore didn't seem to flinch at my arrival. Hah! Well, HAH until the vulture-swan's started to hiss at me and flap their feathers. I backed off. :P
*cough* I mean, I went to protect Adalynn. I didn't want them hurting her! hehe
Ummmm, what? |
It was a fun day at the park, regardless of mean angry birds. Hey - Angry Birds!
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