Friday, May 25, 2012

"Ants go Marching"

The globes I made one afternoon.

On another note: 
Outside our front door is rows of little black ants... really nothing can be done about that. At least they are outside our home, though I did see a couple crawling around inside the house, one of which was on Addies blanket. NO!
So, taking back control, I took out the spray and went outside and did a massacre around our door and the edges of our home. This morning, walking outside, I see a line of ants by our neighbors door. Oops :) hehe
The ants at our neighbors now :D

On yet another note: 
We went to the Augusta Mall today and walked around. Found some great books for Adalynn and a fun new candle for ourselves! Though I have a roast going in the crockpot and our home smelled amazing when we walked in today! YES - I went to Fresh Market yesterday and got us a fresh roast for today.

She's just cute!
Love her slightly electrified look!

Final note: Our windshield got hit by a rock and the crack grew... fortunately we have insurance and Safelite! They said they would be at our home between 12-6pm. Hmm... kinda traps us at home for six hours! lol
Cracked windshield :(

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