Friday, May 11, 2012

The Sovereignty of God

So, remember how we were disappointed about our hotel? Well, we found the perfect apartment for us and we would have never found it without staying here. Here's how it happened:

We were going to visit Stephen's friend, Chris, and check out the apartments he lives in (which are not super nice). On the way there, from our hotel, we passed these beautiful apartments and decided to stop to look into them. They did not have any availability, but recommended us to another place - Century Glen. So we went there to check those out. PERFECT.

Honestly, Stephen asked what would be on the "perfect apartment" list and these had it all. A swimming pool, fitness center, walking distance to a grocery store, close to the base and the church we are looking at! Plus they had a small putt putt green (how cool!) Gated community as well! They were right in our price range too, which was amazing, and a bottom floor apartment JUST opened up while we were there and they are re-carpeting right now. Everything seemed to fit, so we applied and signed a lease for 6 months. We truly felt God was leading us to them.

This would have never happened had it not been for this crappy hotel! HAH! Stephen walked into our hotel room and looked at me and said, "Isn't God Sovereign" and it hit me - HE IS! Wow, we truly feel blessed and that God truly wants us here! We are so excited! Plus - we are switching hotels tomorrow, I'll get my hot tub on Mother's Day! Stephen is WAY to sweet! :D

Amaya was hugging Stephen when he came back from the base this morning. HAH!
Poor Addie has been so tired today too. She slept for like 3 hours this afternoon, which strangely I found myself not knowing what to do with her sleeping so long. We are all doing much better this evening though. I was able to run to Walmart and pick up a few things too, which allowed me to explore around town a little (found a Target) and to set the radio stations in the car. :D

Poor Addie last night, this is how we all felt - tired.


  1. Aww, so glad you found a place to live! When will you know when you get to move in?

  2. Hopefully today! :P We are waiting to hear back from them.
