Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Home Sweet Home

We have been "homeless" for one full week now. What a strange feeling, caring all the bare necessities with you in the car with a cat and a baby. How odd to not even have an address. Honestly, it was more amusing, but only because we knew we were getting a place soon. How scary for those out there who truly do not have an address and do not know how to get one or cannot get one.

There is a sense of simplicity though. Not having all this 'stuff' which we think we all need. Grant it, when we finally do get all our belongings I will be so grateful :D. A move like this makes you step back and realize how much we truly have. It's a lot! Wow!

I am excited for Adalynn to have her own room now too; to decorate and possibly sew her curtains!?  Maybe... something simple, but still :). I will have a sewing table too so I can actually sew whenever I want! Plus, just the fact that Stephen and I get our own room again, after almost 4 months, we finally get our own space again! Maybe we will be able to get ready for bed with the lights ON tonight! :) Though, we won't actually have a bed until the movers come, hmm... at least they just cleaned the carpets!

Love this video I took this morning. Addie is fussing then sees me :)  She tries to eat her animals sometimes without using her hands. :P Silly Girl!

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