Thursday, May 10, 2012

Arrival into Augusta!

 Our makeshift activity center (under the pull out bed!) HA

Hey, we stayed near the vineyards, we had to try their wine
I will miss the wonderful hotel in North Carolina. It was beautiful!

This basically sums up how we all feel :D
We have arrived! We only had 4 hours to drive today (turned out to be near 5 because of heavy traffic... we accidentally chose to drive right during rush hour in the morning in Charlotte, NC). Oops :D

It was a relief to finally arrive in Augusta though. Oh the gaiety when entering into GA! Then Adalynn decided she didn't want any part of being in the car anymore and the gaiety left while trying to calm down a very fussy 3 month old. Then the gaiety left a little more when arriving at the hotel and realizing they don't have check in until 3pm, and it's noon.  (We did manage to get a room though! Hallelujah!)

Amaya kinda stumbled around the hotel room for a few hours, still doped up on her "chill" pills. hehe.
Adalynn has been fussy and quite frankly, hasn't wanted to leave my arms, until now because she finally fell asleep for a nap!

She did make friends with some of the hotel workers though! They came and talked to her, cause, well, she's ADORABLE! She smiled and laughed with them. It was quite charming. Then we went back to our room and she cried. lol... what can you do!?

Stephen checked in at the base and we have plans to visit a few rentals tomorrow. Hopefully we find a place soon cause this hotel isn't as nice as we expected it to be. They didn't have a room for us right away (they say it's due to the high percentage of use). The hot water in the shower takes a few minutes to work (they say it's due to the high percentage of use). The internet is super slow (they said it's due to the high percentage of use.) Hmm... maybe they should work on this :P
It has a fridge!  hehe

It is beautiful outside though! A slight breeze blowing and warm air. Just lovely!
Their pool here is funny, the pictures are beautiful on their website; Addie and I walk out to the pool and there's a few lizards in it and a piece of trash that blew in (it's an outside pool). The lovely smell of moth balls surrounds the area as well; plus it's the size of maybe two hot tubs put together :P and it's cold! lol... in a way, comical. We still might try to take Addie to it later. Hey, chlorine kills all germs anyway!

Well, Addie is up and chit chatting (yay for being happy again!)

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