Monday, May 7, 2012

Moving Day has Arrived!

So, it is 9:12 in the morning. After not being able to fall asleep - to many thoughts running through my head and not being able to put down "The Hunger Games" - I finally got out of bed at 6:30am to finish up packing.
Stephen and I finished putting the items we are taking on the road trip down to GA in the car and bathroom (the one room the movers will not enter), then I made the trip to Bigby for some coffee and bagels!
We relaxed a bit, thinking the movers were coming at 8am, which we later found out will not be until 11am (UG, why did we wake up so early! :D)
Now, Adalynn is fed and happy and asleep again for a nap, while Stephen and I are trying not to fall asleep ourselves playing games on his phone sitting in our living room full of stuff. Quite amazing how three people can accumulate so much, but we are grateful!

Our living room before the movers.
 The movers finally came at 1ish and did not leave until 7pm! AH!

Afterwards... so bare.

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