Monday, May 21, 2012

Embracing the South

Fried Chicken Dinner

The sun was brilliant this morning and Adalynn finally slept past 6:30am! Stephen had left for work early this morning, leaving Addie and myself to play by ourselves today. Which we embraced - starting with a walk down to the grocery store to pick up the rolls for dinner and a latte for myself :).

We came home, (which is definitely feeling like home now that we have all our belongings unpacked and mostly put away) and played. I wanted to make a special dinner for Stephen because today was his first day of work. He wanted Cornflake Chicken - it turned out super good too!

Very southern meal if you ask me :D.

I just want to say that baking is SO very much easier in a larger kitchen with a dishwasher! All I had to do was rinse and put the dishes in the washer. Amazing! I shall truly enjoy these 6 months, with a dishwasher AND a washer and dryer. (I feel quite spoiled actually :D).

So, now we are finally starting to fall into a routine and normalcy! 

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