Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day with OUR Hero!

The Savannah River

This morning we went to Downtown Augusta (sketchy, with failing businesses). There is a glorious river walk though. Lots of money went into making this riverwalk beautiful! We strapped Adalynn into the stroller and walked along the river! 
Along the way there was a "Hero's Overlook" - remembering and honoring the hero's past and present for their sacrifice. Very appropriate for a day like today.
Then we saw an amphitheater - of which I started quoting Henry V, Act 4 Prologue.
This was the Hidden Japanese Garden
There were different quotes written in the cement, which I read of dramatically (not realizing there were people just ahead) hehe.We even walked through an Episcopal churches yard/cemetery. Very old graves from the early 1800's and the church itself was erected in 1819 (we saw the cornerstone). So much history!
Ah, the river view!
It was such fun to be walking as a family. Especially today, with Stephen, as he is not only a Hero to Adalynn and myself, but to our Nation!

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