Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Road Trip!

Sitting in the hotel, after putting Addie to bed (thankfully she seems to be sleeping well) and wanted to write about the day. I just want to give cahoots to all the parents that have traveled with kids, what a job! Between figuring out when she needs to eat, her diapering issues and our own personal needs with the restroom, it was an adventure! :)

We did start the family tradition of singing songs on road trips, though Adalynn look annoyed at times.
We did meet a sweet lady at a DQ in Bolivar, OH. She just thought Addie was so cute. lol.
Amaya calmed down on the trip too and just stayed under Stephen's seat the whole time, peaking her head out occasionally. 

So, now it's time to sleep and get up early again tomorrow to start all over, except this time we are more prepared. 

Our Hotel (Motel) - love Amaya in the window

We took a walk outside!

The soggy grass from the river outside the hotel.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your safety and more happy memory making opportunities throughout your move.
    With much love,
    julie shuneson
