Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gypsy Life

The Gypsy life - waking up in Ohio!
So, we did indeed wake up in Ohio, later realizing that we were only 5 minutes from West Virginia, and only minutes from other descent hotels. :)  We drove over the Ohio river and into West Virginia! Amaya was not having any of it and was not doing well, we ended up having to stop to give her a "chill" pill, which sent her into a high (hey, worked for us!).
    We drove.
    Addie slept.
    Amaya dazed.
 Addie was hungry, we stopped at this beautiful rest area in the middle of the mountains in W.V.
    We drove.
    Addie slept. 
    Amaya dazed.
We entered into Virginia! Stephen got his first speeding ticket! :) (I was quite honored to be there for that.) Actually, his first speeding ticket happened right as we came out of a mountain. It was all very dramatic.
   We drove.
   Addie slept. 
   Amaya dazed.
Hunger soon overcame us and we stopped at subway! (way better then some greasy place) and we tried to get Adalynn to stretch and kick (all on the table too... hehe).  
    We drove.
    Addie screamed. 
    Amaya meowed.
    We stopped driving. 

My first swimsuit - size: 12months

Daddy and Addie in the water!
 MUCH better hotel! Love it here! We are at Shelton Vineyards area. Beautiful! Only 3 1/2 more hours till Augusta tomorrow! Now time for dinner and a movie :D
We had to hide Amaya in the shower :)

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