Monday, May 28, 2012

There's Something Beautiful about Worship

Church on Sunday was amazing. The worship was wonderful! I started to wonder about when worship was put into a box. What seems to hold me back from raising my hands, or falling to my knees in total awe of the amazingness of God?
It was so exhilarating to see others just embrace worship. Wasn't it David, in the Bible who would dance and sing and even make up songs of Praise to God? It was so sweet, there was an older man who was behind us. He was singing and doing a slight 'dance' with the music; his arms bent at his sides like he was jogging, but it was definitely dancing.
It was amazing to just sing, and want to sing so loud my throat would hurt. To want to just praise! Not worry about how I look and just immerse myself in the worship of God.
In the sermon the pastor said to "DELIGHT in God's word" - well, DELIGHT in worship as well!

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